The Grift: Volume 1

The Grift: Volume 1


The Grift is a PDF-only litmag the theme of which is “We need to raise money for the press because this shit is expensive.” Twelve writers have donated their pieces (mostly fiction, little bit of poetry, one essay) for this issue because they are nice. So we don’t have to pay them, and because it’s PDF-only we don’t have to mess with printing costs, which are a black hole with a giant magnet in the center that attracts and sucks in anything approaching net revenue. The writers in this issue are Mike Nagel, Donald Ryan, Ben Arzate, Craig Rodgers, Tyler Dempsey, Sheldon Birnie, Eric Williams, Lauren Bolger, Adrian Sobol, Roger Vaillancourt, Justin Bryant, and LJ Pemberton. Most of them have published a book with Malarkey or Death of Print. Mike Nagel hasn’t published anything with us until now; he’s just a cool guy who likes Malarkey. He’s been nice enough to share with us a personal essay that is essentially a deleted scene from his book Duplex.

Every cent from The Grift will be put back into the press. This thing is 60 pages of Malarkey. We hope you like it and most importantly we thank you for your $5!

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