Support Malarkey

Maybe you’re wondering, hey I like this press, it’s cool and I don’t want it to shut down—well, there are ways to help and I will list them here, starting with an action you take right now, today, for free:


Yes yes! Ask your local library to order one (or more) of our books. If you browse our catalogue you can get a feel for our titles, and the ISBNs are right there for you to copy and paste into an email or your library’s contact form. If your library can order from Ingram or (even better) Asterism, they can order our books.


Another easy way to support Malarkey (and Death of Print, our alter ego imprint) is by buying ebooks. We sell them right here on our website and keep the prices low. Most of them are $3.


Download the latest issue of The Grift, our irregular, PDF-only litmag, for only $5. All proceeds go to . . . us, or more specifically, bills.


One of the best ways to support independent presses like ours is to buy books. We publish good books and we make them look as nice as we can. Most people like them! Buy some now!


Can’t decide which book to get? Get them all, or at least a year’s worth, by signing up for our book club. In addition to books (many of them signed by the authors) you also get zines (King Ludd’s Rag and Hellarkey).


We resisted this option for a long time, as we want to sell books, not collect tips, but the truth is this operation eats up so much money and we need every little bit, so if someone out there is willing to toss an extra $20, even an extra $100, our way, then we’re gonna make it real easy. Just click this link!


You might know about our newsletter, The Malarker. You should definitely sign up to receive emails. We send announcements, but we also run stories, cover reveals, author notes, and random thoughts on publishing and writing. If you level up to a paid subscription we get money and you get all the stuff you would also get for free, but with the warm feeling of knowing you’re giving us money that we’re spending on book covers and printing books and everything else.


We offer a few tiers, from a couple bucks a month to $40 a month if you’re real excited about Malarkey!


T-shirts and a coffee mug!

This list is not necessarily exhaustive, but it’s a start!