Death of Print

Image by Tiffany Belieu

Death of Print is for books that have been given the runaround, for whatever reason. The Ghost of Mile 43 was published originally by Soft Cartel, and they promptly shut down, leaving Craig in the lurch, with no way to collect royalties. Death of Print sprang into existence when Malarkey went semi-legitimate, with editor Alan Good moving his books over from Malarkey. Of those, The Sun Still Shines on a Dog’s Ass is the main one we keep in print. DOP operated separately from Malarkey for a couple years, and became a home for Craig Rodgers’ other books, even ones that hadn’t been put out to pasture by a defunct indie press. In 2023 Bear Creek Press imploded, leaving an array of promising titles without a publisher. Death of Print was able to pick up Consumption and Other Vices by Tyler Dempsey and Awful People, by Scott Mitchel May, at which point it became too cumbersome to run Malarkey and DOP completely separately, so now Death of Print exists as an imprint of Malarkey, with a mission to publish books that have been abandoned in some way by the publishing world.