Mothers Posting on Facebook Mommy Message Boards Break my Heart Over and Over Again by Madeline Anthes

Originally published in Moonchild Magazine (September 2021)

Hey girlies



I need your recs.

Where’s the best place to take your LO to the doctor?

To dinner?

To play inside?

To play outside?

Where do you feel safe bringing them?

Where are they safe?

Give me your best tried and true recipes.

I’m tired of making the same thing

I’m tired of ordering out.

I’m tired

I’m tired

I’m tired of my children not helping me.

Not cleaning up.

Not listening to me

Not seeing me

I’m tired.

Where can I go?

Where can I meet others?

Where was the life we were promised when we promised life?

Where can I take my little one now?

Where can I go


Photograph of author, a beautiful brunette woman with big brown eyes and friendly grin.

Portrait of Madeline Anthes

Madeline Anthes is the Assistant Editor of Lost Balloon. You can find her on Twitter at @maddieanthes, and find more of her work at
